Harry Payne (1858-1927) was a British artist who was known for his military paintings, but he also did a lot of pastoral, cottagecore kind of paintings. Perfect for postcards! Here are a few Autumnish images:
Collecting faggots:
Awwww . . .
Henfield sends a kindly thought:
No kindly thought from anyone:
With Birthday greetings . . .
And "waving fields" without:
Here are some of the backs from original postcards:
Gertie sends Happ Birthday greetings to Master Robinson.
"Wretched summer weather."
What snack does Ernest send Elfie on Sundays? Chocolate, perhaps?
And why is Mabel only coming for that?
There's no postmark, so did she never send this bold request--or was it hand-delivered?
We shall never know.
Many Happy Returns!
Bill is 'aving a laugh:
And here's a blank back for you to whip out your own fountain pen for a quick missive:
These images are in the public domain to use as you wish.
Thankyou for these wonderful images - and the commentary too! - Jennifer