Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Science of GRATITUDE

Free graphics to make your own Gratitude Journal or for friends and fam. (Please don't sell in digital form or mass produce in print).

This goes with the Gratitude Journal!  THANK YOU, Bruce!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

*Free* Gratitude Journal Cover!

T'is the season for all things grateful! It is harvest time of delicious apples and other yummy things. The 90+ degree weather has finally subsided into pleasant Autumnal days. The leaves are BEAUTIFUL and play in the breeze. Ah!  My favourite time of year! 

With that in mind, here is a graphic I did for a journal cover last year. You are free to use it for personal or commercial use, as long as you don't mass-produce (over 20). EnJOY!  :-)

Pumpkin & Thanksgiving card images courtesy of The Graphics Fairy.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

What Is Art?

This started off with me slapping up a quick photo of a purple sunrise for artist Gisele Grenier. She is a WONDERFUL art teacher who recently posed the question "Is paint pouring really art?" on one of her videos. It reminded me of when I was living on the Chesapeake Bay & I went to an art show of landscapes from local artists. I was with my neighbor, who was a mortgage banker, who told me with great authority that one particular sunrise painting had "too much purple" in it and it would be better with less purple. She was not an artist and had never studied art. Her whole opinion was based on her idea that it wasn't realistic and therefore wasn't good. Also, it wasn't "realistic" because she had never seen a purple sunrise like that before. I had!  

Here's an orangey one for the Autumn season!

I think when hearing criticism or getting personal feedback for your art, it's good to consider the source: 
Is this person an artist?
Does s/he have experience of art history?
Is there an understanding of the basic elements of what constitutes art?

Even professional critics disagree!  I certainly would never aspire to buy Piero Manzoni's "art" which consists of allegedly tinning up his own literal crap!  ($300,000?!)

[And then I squirreled & thought about what Mum would say if she heard about this guy]

But someone values that as art. See? It's like that old saying: 

"One person's junk is another person's JUNK JOURNAL."  (Haha)

Art is a subjective experience. It can't be measured like math; there is no ONE answer. To me, art is beauty. It's what feeds my soul. What is beauty?  That's subjective, too!

And I'll leave you with some more beauty; one of the first sunrises from my current backyard:
More purple!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Look at those books!  And also, it's Bruce Lipton. What's not to love? 

"When we struggle to obtain our wishes and desires, it's not an issue from outside control, it's an issue of inside programming. And once you know this, we are free to change that programming. And when we change that programming, we become empowered because with new programs we can program success, happiness, health, and love."

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Ahhh . . . the cool breezes, the geese honking, the Fall FOILAGE!  My favourite season of the year.

Public Domain / Copyright free image for you to right-click & save.
Here's my latest Autumn-themed digi-kit:

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saturday, August 11, 2018

A single page of scrapbook paper (Ciao Bella by DSWV) makes a great little journal. Embellish with lace and tags and tuck spots and voila!  For my dear friend Catherine.  :-)

Tutorial for making a zine:

I Heart Nicole at I Heart Art!

Link to I Heart Art videos: DIY Washi Tape: Creative Happy Mail (where she also shows a zine she made): What's in My Nature Journaling Bag: If you want to be a modern day Edith Holden, watch this video! Nature Garden Junk Journal: Clutterbug: Susun Weed about red clover:

Sunday, July 1, 2018


It's that time of year again!  A time to try new things in the planner world. Woot! Here's a flip-thru of my set up:

Here's the free graphic if you want to play along:

Sunday, June 17, 2018

New Digi-Kit: Vintage Butterfly One-Page Tiny Journal

How to turn one page into a tiny journal. An 8.5" X 11" sheet turns into a 2.5” X 4.25” journal of 8 pages, with tuck spots.

To visit my Etsy shop, copy and paste into your browser:

YouTubers mentioned: I Heart Art Wendy's Journal Adventure Vintage butterfly graphic The Graphics Fairy

Monday, May 7, 2018

A Few Spring-ish Watercolour Pix

For an Edith Holden-inspired journal entry or to make cards, I put these photos from John Morgan thru the Waterlogue app:

EnJOY!  :-)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Monday, March 26, 2018

3 New Jane Austen-inspired Digi-Kits & a Freebie

Next up, a journal kit made up of C.E. Brock illustrations from Pride & Prejudice

This kit also includes:

And finally, I've created a kit of "Wax" Seals that you can print out and fussy cut: 

To learn how to make your own Booksmith journals, check out Nik's Teachable courses.

And here's your freebie!
 Oh that Mr. Darcy!

And here's a video walk-thru with Magnolia May:

Friday, March 16, 2018

Classics Challenge for Nik the Booksmith: Pride & Prejudice

This is my Booksmith tome for the Nik the Booksmith Classics Challenge:

To learn how to make your own Booksmith journals, check out Nik's Teachable courses.

To see all the other journals for the challenge (and be blown away by their talent)! click HERE for the playlist.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

Magnolia May's Guide to Junk Journaling

Magnolia May DeSolay gives her take on Junk Journaling. There will most likely need to be a Part 2!

Links to things 'n' people mentioned: Nik The Booksmith: Jibid Neary: Jibid's digi-kits: I'm A Cool Mom: Tracie Fox: Nazy at Amity Bloom:

Thursday, February 15, 2018

WELCOME to Ledger & Lace!

This is a place for journaling inspiration, vintage images and projects. So to start off, here's a public domain image of ledger . . .

and lace:

Just right-click and save!  Would love to see how you use these images, so tag me!  :-)