Monday, March 26, 2018

3 New Jane Austen-inspired Digi-Kits & a Freebie

Next up, a journal kit made up of C.E. Brock illustrations from Pride & Prejudice

This kit also includes:

And finally, I've created a kit of "Wax" Seals that you can print out and fussy cut: 

To learn how to make your own Booksmith journals, check out Nik's Teachable courses.

And here's your freebie!
 Oh that Mr. Darcy!

And here's a video walk-thru with Magnolia May:

Friday, March 16, 2018

Classics Challenge for Nik the Booksmith: Pride & Prejudice

This is my Booksmith tome for the Nik the Booksmith Classics Challenge:

To learn how to make your own Booksmith journals, check out Nik's Teachable courses.

To see all the other journals for the challenge (and be blown away by their talent)! click HERE for the playlist.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

Magnolia May's Guide to Junk Journaling

Magnolia May DeSolay gives her take on Junk Journaling. There will most likely need to be a Part 2!

Links to things 'n' people mentioned: Nik The Booksmith: Jibid Neary: Jibid's digi-kits: I'm A Cool Mom: Tracie Fox: Nazy at Amity Bloom: