Ryan Holiday, modern day Stoic has a quote that I'm paraphrasing-ish:
You don't have to have an opinion about everything.
Which I really appreciate, because honestly? I can't keep up. It's a relief to have permission not to have an opinion. Religion? Politics? Celebrity break-up? Meh. I'm not out to convert anyone and I live in a live-and-let-live world. I'm more interested in getting along and focusing on our similarities, not our differences. We're all a part of humanity. You know; we are the world and whatnot. But then I came across Ashley Tisdale:
And like the Millennial she is, I can't even.
I realized: Not only do I have an opinion, but I am offended. On the one hand, I get it: her money, her home, her aesthetic. That she's just so cheerful in her admittance of ignorance, and sent her husband to get books adds a whole 'nother layer of . . . VAPID.
I was so incensed, I even created a graphic:
If you read through the comments, verbal sparring represents the two sides: people who actually read, and the rest of those other people.
"What's the problem? Books are decoration."
Oh. My. Word. Do you not know how books work? And herein lies the problem: Ms. Tisdale wants the look of books, she just doesn't care about the actual books. Essentially, they are props. Their only purpose is to fill a space. They have no other meaning--and that is what is so offensive to a Bibliophile.
Books are not decoration. Books are knowledge and learning. Books are entertainment and a portal into other worlds. Books remind us of where we've been and the possibilities of where we can go. Books say, "You're not alone." Books make you laugh and cry and celebrate and hope. Books satiate your curiosity and propel your wonder. Books expand your world and make you think.
But only if you read them.
You know that meme, Tell Me Without Telling Me?
YES! Here is his list of book recommendations.
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